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Whew! What a roller coaster this year has been. With over 2.5 million cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the pandemic is sweeping through the world and putting a third of the global population on "lockdown". Cancelled events worldwide, shut down malls, cinemas and other non-essential public spaces, physical contact has swiftly tended to zero. It is no surprise then that businesses have been negatively impacted.

From layoffs to reduced hours and a lack of ability to go to work, remote working is now the order of the day. Although governments around the world are giving some financial relief, let's face it, it can never be enough.

It may seem that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, well, until you read this post. Now is the time to SEIZE THE MOMENT. Because while everyone is stuck at home, the internet still works!

So, with work drying up and self-isolation in full swing, there has never been a better to get started freelancing online. For your sanity, financial freedom and adapting to the changing work environment, you should take the next steps for your future. As a freelancer that offers business planning and financial modeling services to clients, here is why I think this is a great time to freelance:

1. The Geographical Lines Have Blurred

In the past month, I have gotten 5 clients from 5 different countries and time zones. Typically, this would be challenging if I had to go to the office. Calls at 5:30am would have meant a painful day trying to stay awake. During the lockdown, on the other hand, I am sitting at my home office for most of the day. So I can take a quick nap here and there plus, commuting time has been cut down to zero!

2. Your Answered Prayers

About 46% of freelancers agree that freelancing gives them the flexibility they need because they’re unable to work for a traditional employer due to personal circumstances. And now with the lockdown, that flexibility is here. Perhaps it is time to take the next step in achieving your financial freedom.

3. Businesses Are Re-Strategizing

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown off companies’ strategies for the year and far into the future. This has caused a lot of businesses to take a step back and re-evaluate how they are operating. Now more than ever they are looking to build out their business plans, re-brand and refocus. So the table is set for freelancers to step in and wave a magic wand.

4. This Is The New Normal

A study by Upwork and Freelancers Union, “Freelancing in America” finds that more people than ever see freelancing as a long-term career path. This was before the lockdown and before companies found new ways for employees to work remotely. Coming out of this global pandemic, businesses will likely shed some of their workforce and/or evolve to more skeletal operations. So this is the time to prepare for a new reality filled with Freelancers making up majority of the worldwide workforce.

Happy Freelancing!






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